Psp Wep Key Crack
How do I get my wireless WEP password for my Sony PSP. My WEP key was too long to enter into the PSP go, so i did this eg WEP key ending 1234567 i put it in 1267.
You can either
a kindly ask them for their WEP key
b Only consider this option if you have a very strong knowledge of computers. I can t explain it any better than this guy has, so just check my sources for the link to the tutorial.
If neither of the two options work
c For 60 get a quality linksys router and have your own wireless network.
I recommend a or c, because if you try and hack their WEP, they might get quite mad if they find out.
crack wep on psp?
This tutorial walks you though a very simple case to crack a WEP key. It is intended to build your basic skills and get you familiar with the concepts.
May 15, 2005 I want to know how to get past using the wep code to get the internet on my psp and help me.i cracking wep use windows can crack a key.
Lost Wireless Encryption Key Generator WEP Key. Wireless Encryption Security Information. Did this tool help you. Please donate any amount through PayPal to help вЂ.
WEP is much easier to crack than WPA-PSK, as it only requires data capturing between 20k and 40k packets, while WPA-PSK needs a dictionary attack on a captured.
It is surprisingly easy to setup the necessary equipment to crack a WEP key. If you have a laptop and wireless card supported by Linux, it takes about 10.