Kaspersky Antivirus Windows 2000 Free Download

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations provides centralized protection of workstations on a corporate network and beyond from all kinds of malware, potentially dangerous programs, network attacks and unwanted mail.Advantages

Integrated protection: The application scans all incoming and outgoing data streams on workstations, including email, Internet traffic and network communication. Full-scale integration of all program components ensures that antivirus protection does not give rise to system conflicts or slow the workstation down.

Centralized administration: Installing the solution on workstations, configuring protection parameters, managing updates to signature databases and program modules and responding effectively to potentially threatening events – all these as well as other administrative tasks can be carried out centrally and remotely using Kaspersky Administration Kit.

Proactive technologies – heuristic analyzer: The proactive components in Kaspersky Anti-Virus deliver protection against newly emerging threats that have not yet been recorded in signature databases. Proactive protection works by analyzing processes launched in the system, warning users of possible threats and, if necessary, imitating the launch of suspicious programs in an isolated virtual environment as well as rolling back unwanted changes and restoring damaged data.

Upgradeable antivirus engine: Separate components of the new antivirus engine can be upgraded regularly without re-installing the application. As a result, Kaspersky Lab customers always have the most up-to-date protection against new types of malicious programs at their disposal. The new engine is even more effective at combating rootkit technology.Main FeaturesIntegrated Protection 

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations uses the newest technologies from Kaspersky Lab to protect workstations on corporate networks.

Security for file systems: All files are scanned for malicious content when created, launched or modified. Any individual files, directories and disks local and network can also be scanned.

Secure electronic communication: Mail traffic is scanned at the level of the data transfer protocol POP3, IMAP, MAPI and NNTP for incoming traffic and SMTP for outgoing traffic, including SSL connections. The solution is compatible with the most common mail programs. The application also scans files and links sent via instant messaging systems ICQ, MSN.

Safety online: The program scans HTTP traffic in real time using a variety of methods that include heuristic analysis of web pages. Blocking access to infected websites whose addresses are blacklisted ensures Internet users can work in a secure environment.

Protection from hacker attacks: A new generation firewall together with IDS and IPS systems safeguard users working on any type of network, including WiFi networks. Predefined rules for more than 250 of the most commonly used applications reduce time spent on configuring the firewall.

Control over removable devices: The application enables the use of removable devices data storage devices, I/O devices to be regulated on the corporate network. This reduces the risk of malicious programs penetrating users computers and helps prevent confidential data leaks.

Protection from phishing: A database containing URLs of phishing sites is used to identify and disable links to such sites in the Internet browser, at the same time rebuffing emails from phishers in the mail program.Optimized Performance  

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations benefits from a new antivirus engine and a range of optimization technologies, ensuring the most efficient use of workstation resources and minimal impact on performance.

New antivirus engine: The application is based on a completely new antivirus engine that dramatically increases system scanning speed, optimizes the use of system resources and has minimal impact on other programs.

iSwift and iChecker: The first time on-demand scanning is launched all objects are automatically scanned. However, for subsequent scans iSwift and iChecker technologies limit scanning to new and modified files only. Additionally, when a user requests a file from the server, it is scanned only once, by the antivirus solution installed on the server.

Resource management: During periods of increased user activity, the antivirus solution reduces its demand on system resources. Scanning continues in background mode, which does not impede the user s work with other applications.Centralized Administration 

Kaspersky Administration Kit provides centralized administration for Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations, enabling installation, configuration and updating of all Kaspersky Lab solutions on the network.

Configuration options: The administrator can use the security policies and tasks in the program to configure protection parameters for groups of workstations or for individual workstations, launch antivirus scans, receive reports on events on the network, install license keys and update signature databases and program modules.

Quarantine for infected and suspicious objects: Secure storage locations for infected and suspicious objects are contained in a centrally managed database. Objects and/or their copies stored in these local folders are not accessible to users, but the administrator can retrieve information from them.

Notifications and reporting: A wide variety of reports are available, providing information on the program s status and performance. The system administrator receives notifications of certain types of events such as the detection of a virus.

Automatic updating: Updates to antivirus databases and application modules are available on demand or automatically according to a schedule. Updates can either be downloaded directly from Kaspersky Lab servers on the Internet or from local servers on the network.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Servers protects data on servers Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0 or higher. Windows 2000 Server Free trial download;.

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Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations

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